While TikTok is constantly evolving, it’s challenging to provide a definitive list of the top 10 real estate influencers on the platform. However, here are some popular real estate influencers on TikTok as of now:
1. @theagentamy – Amy Youngren, a real estate agent & coach
2. @house2home_diy – Ashley Basnight, specializing in house renovations and DIY projects
3. @rebecca.realtor – Rebecca Khelifi, a real estate agent sharing tips and insights
4. @Nicolettenotes – Nicolette Nizzola, a luxury real estate agent and entrepreneur
5. @homeswithtasha – Tasha Delancy, a real estate agent with informative content
6. @hannahkfiore – Hannah K Fiore, a real estate agent sharing tips and insight
7. @realtorstpauly – Paul Argueta, a real estate coach and broker
8. @homesbybex – Bex Johnson, a real estate agent providing educational content
9. @teddythemushu – Teddy Bitner, a real estate investor and agent
10. @carolinesellsnj – Caroline Gosselin, sharing daily life as a real estate agent in New Jersey
Please note that these influencers’ popularity and rankings might fluctuate over time on TikTok.